#22: A Chic (and Comfortable) Alternative to High Heels
When you think of a look that is chic and put together, do images of 6-inch heels assist in completing the ensemble? Don't worry I used to think the same thing. Of course there is nothing wrong with "higher than the Heavens" heels, but who wants to wear them day in and day out? Sorry. Not me. Some days I want to walk around my job comfortably or enjoy a date night without needing to carry a change of shoes.
But if not high heels, what then?
Pointy toe flats. I know. It caught me by surprise too! But think about it for a minute. It's the perfect hybrid between the look of a high heel from the front and top view while encompassing the comfort of a flat.
Round and almond-toe do not count! The "cuteness" of these types of flats are exactly what we need to avoid. We are after the sleekness of a sharp point!
Three pairs in three weeks? Slight obsession? Maybe...
Vince Camuto, TJ Maxx, $39.99
Steve Madden, stevemadden.com, $59.95
Mossimo Flats, target.com, $19.99