#95: 10 Ways to Relax When Life Gets Overwhelming

Money is tight. The laundry hamper is overflowing. The sink is full of dirty dishes and you and your husband aren't seeing eye to eye at the moment. Oh and let's not forget it's that time of the month. Breathe, my sister, breathe. We've all gone through days like this. Luckily for us, the Lord knew we would and provided us with comforting words to get us through...

"In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustrations; but be of good cheer! For I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

See there? I told you everything was going to be okay! Now that I've given you a bit of spiritual food, let’s examine other ways to de-stress when your load seems too heavy.

#95: 10 Ways to Relax  When Life Becomes Overwhelming - www.shalandaleigh.com.jpg

1. Step away from your to-list. - That's right. Screw those household chores. Check your e-mail tomorrow. Guess what happens if you don't vacuum the living room today? Nothing. Nada. The world doesn't stop and I'm 99.9 percent no one in your household will notice if you slowed down for the day. So go ahead and order take-out. You can break out the pots and pans tomorrow.

2. Add a little aromatherapy to lighten your mood. - Light your favorite candle or take a bubble bath with your favorite LUSH bomb. I enjoy the Stress Relief candle from Bath & Body Works and a long, hot shower with shower gel in the same fragrance.

3. Listen to some soothing tunes. - Y'all already know how I feel about gospel music, but I understand if it's not everyone's cup of tea. Listen to favorite album or radio station. The Tune Up app is great for listening to your favorite radio from your smartphone.

4. Hit the gym. - Some of the things that have you flustered may be out of your control. But do you know what you can control? How hot you look in your skinny jeans and bath suit. I've have done my fair share of time on the elliptical while upset or overwhelmed, but by the end of the cardio session I feel calm and level-headed. Shout out to natural endorphins!

5. Take a nap. - Let's face it. Your mind is going a mile a minute. One thought begins before the last one finishes. Make a cup of chamomile tea, close the window blinds and pretend your 3 years old again. I promise when you awake you will feel refreshed and renewed.

6.  Spend the afternoon at Starbucks. - Grab your laptop or latest novel (more on this in Tip #9) and grab that corner seat next to an outlet. I understand everyone may not like coffee. Hell, I don't either but the Passion Tea Lemonade is life and happiness conveniently placed in a plastic cup. There is just something so soothing about Starbucks. Maybe its the soft sounds of the espresso machine or interesting people watching you can view as people come in and out the shop.

7. Watch your favorite movie or television show. - Waiting to Exhale. Sex & the City 2. Pretty Little Liars. It doesn't matter what your all-time fave. Just take an hour or two and indulge yourself. If you're feeling extra frisky pop some popcorn

8. Become one with Nature. - Strike a yoga pose or go for walk around the neighborhood. I like to sit out on my balcony and just listen.

9. Read a book. - Remember reading as a kid and how lost you could get in a novel that you wouldn't even notice time passing? I was that kid. Now as an adult I've realized that reading is still magic which why I always have two books on my kindle, one fiction and one non-fiction, vying for my attention.

10. Have sex. - This one here is for those married folks. Sorry but I can't advocate pre-martial sex. Have fun enjoying this intimate time with your spouse and let those endorphins fly!

How do you like to wind down when times get hectic?