I have been on the hunt at my local thrift stores for a suede fringed jacket for...hmmmmmm...about four years now. I may have to step outside my sustainable fashion box and...
Read MoreI spent the majority of 2017 pregnant so I tried to keep my make-up routine simple but enough to where it looked like I put in some effort.
Read MoreWith the current state of my ever expanding waist line, I think I will hold off shopping for clothes, retail or thrift, for a few more months. Instead I will stick to accessories, an area of the store I usually avoid...
Read MoreBut today, my friends, is no ordinary circumstance. Today I celebrate being 7 months pregnant with my baby girl Ava :)
Read MoreSo after my last "birth control monthly cycle" I stopped cold turkey. Two weeks later the breakouts of my chin started. First it was more so of ingrown hairs on the sides of my lower jaw.
Read MoreBut it just so happened that this one particular collection at Kate Spade caught my eye. QUILTED DENIM! It took every ounce of will power not to swipe out my credit cardโฆ
Read MoreAlthough chokers are a big trend this season, I have yet to jump on the bandwagon. However, this collection has me intrigued by the choker/body type of accessory going on in the looks above.
Read More...These shoes! What can I say about them that isn't obvious? I guess I'm on this androgyny kick since lately prefer sneakers over heels...
Read MoreBecause these sneakers are so simple in design, it will be so easy to wear them with both casual and dressy looks...
Read More...When you spend so many hours away from home, it's imperative to have basic necessities with you at all times...
Read MoreI'd made a beeline for Nordstrom upon entering the mall but that pesky Victoria's Secret and all its sales entered my radar firstโฆ
Read MoreConfession. I haven't stepped into Gap since my early years of teaching. Not because I fell out of love with the brand but because I discovered I could find many of their pieces at..
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